Road Resurfacing & Reseal

Reseal of MR 279 & MR 191 near Villiersdorp

2017 – 2018
Client: PAWC
Value: R91.3M
Scope of works: An Amandla Umzali Joint Venture. The reseal of Main Road 279 and Main Road 191 near Villiersdorp. For the reseal of MR 279, pre-treatment including patch repair and the total surface to be resealed with a split seal i.e. a 190mm seal with a bitumen rubber tack coat followed by a double 6.7mm seal with polymer modified hot binder penetration coat and fog spray. For the reseal of MR 191, pre-treatment including patch repairs and the total surface to be resealed with a single i.e. a 13.2mm seal with a bitumen rubber tack coat and fog spray.